Craft News
- Written by: Gerry Crawford
The Provincial Grand Charity continues to benefit from Amazon Smile donations. To date, £654.79 has been raised - a sum that, without your support, would not have been available for charitable causes.
- Written by: John Fergusson
As many will be aware, the ten year patent of our Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes comes to an end on 30 June 2021. Ordinarily, on this date he would retire from office. However, in view of the current situation that prevails, the Grand Master has asked our Provincial Grand Master if he would continue in office for the time being. Naturally, he has been pleased to accede to this request and will, therefore, continue to act as Provincial Grand Master for the Province of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire.
The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes, commented:
Clearly, I am quite delighted to have my patent extended and look forward to continuing as Provincial Grand Master. It was a very pleasant surprise to receive this request”
- Written by: John Fergusson
On Tuesday the 18th of May 2021, the 2020 Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge was held. It was nearly a year later than it should have been with 350 fewer people in attendance than is usual for this flagship occasion in the Province’s calendar!
- Written by: Peter Robinson
A grant of £14,334 jointly funded by the Provincial Grand Charity and the Masonic Charitable Foundation will enable Northamptonshire Carers to employ a part-time wellbeing and group worker to support young carers.