Craft News
- Written by: Peter Robinson
In January 2021, we reported on how over 100 Freemasons from across the Province had responded magnificently to St John Ambulance's appeal asking for volunteers to apply to join the NHS COVID-19 vaccination team.
One such volunteer is our Provincial Grand Organist, WBro Chris Winfield, who gave us an insight into his role.
- Written by: Peter Robinson
- Written by: Peter Robinson
Staff at Devonshire Court, our RMBI care home at Oadby, Leicester, have sent us a wonderful electronic scrapbook depicting some of the fantastic activities made possible by continued support from the Masonic community.
- Written by: Jason Brice
The brethren of Chicheley Lodge No. 607 have undertaken a significant structural and environmental project to ensure that Thrapston Masonic Hall is in tip-top shape ready to host meetings when COVID-19 restrictions are finally lifted.