Craft News
- Written by: Daniel Cooke
The Freemasons' Challenge 2021 is a walk around the UK by lodges from the United Grand Lodge of England's Universities Scheme.
During the walk, the Universities Scheme Travelling Loving Cup, the DKW Cup, is passed from one Universities lodge to another. It is a great opportunity to mark the reopening of society following the Coronavirus pandemic whilst raising money for the Duke of Edinburgh Memorial Fund.
Brethren and supporters of St John’s Lodge No 3972 - which meets at Sheaf Close, Northampton and is a member of the Universities Scheme - will do their bit by walking 28-miles of the Challenge on the weekend of the 7th and 8th of August 2021. The agenda is as follows:
- Day 1 - Freemasons’ Arms, Market Harborough to Freemasons’ Hall, Sheaf Close, Northampton
- Day 2 - Daventry Masonic Centre to Rugby Masonic Centre
WBro Michael Long, Master of St John's Lodge said:
Why not join us for a section of the walk? Alternatively, you may wish to support us with a donation.
Anyone wishing to show their support for St John's Lodge can donate via the following link:
Any Brother wishing to take part in the walk does not need to be a member of St John’s Lodge, just someone who is keen to offer their support.
A detailed route (including all sections for each day) will be provided to all walkers and there will be an online briefing session beforehand. For more details, including a downloadable flyer, please click the following link:
- pdf Memo - Freemasons' Challenge (652 KB) (Members-only link)
- Written by: Jason Brice
Thanks to a joint donation of £600 by Zantay Revell, Chicheley Lodge and the Provincial Grand Charity, the Thrapston Food Bank is one step closer to finding a much needed storage facility.
- Written by: Peter Robinson
The inaugural celebration of NHS, Social Care and Frontline Workers’ Day is set to take place on the 5th of July 2021, with Freemasons playing a leading role in the event.
The United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE), the governing body for Freemasons, is inviting its 200,000 members to fly specially designed flags at 10am on the 5th of July, to celebrate this unique day dedicated to the NHS, social care and all those that work on the front line, who have saved so many lives during the pandemic. The celebration will also remember those workers we sadly lost.
- Written by: Peter Robinson
The 3 Pillars - Feeding the Homeless Trust (registered charity no. 1173518) has recently received a grant of £2,833 from the Northants and Hunts Masons' Provincial Grand Charity (PGC).
The grant, which has been topped-up to a total of £5,666 by the Freemasons' national charity, the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF), will be of great benefit, helping to provide ongoing support to the Trust thereby allowing it to continue its work in support of the homeless in Peterborough and the surrounding areas.