The Installation meeting of Old Kimboltonians' Lodge No. 7204 held on Friday the 15th of October 2021 was not only a well-supported event, but also a very special family occasion.
After having presided over the Lodge initially, the Acting Worshipful Master, WBro Martin Wilson, was pleased to hand the gavel to Assistant Provincial Grand Master WBro Mark Constant - father of Master Elect Bro Maxamillian Constant - who took the chair as Installing Master.
Brother Maxamillian was then presented to the Installing Master whereupon he confirmed his suitability to undertake the Mastership of the Lodge; also, his submission to, and support of, the Antient Charges and Regulations.
Then, after having taken his obligation, Brother Maxamillian Constant was installed into the Chair of King Solomon in the presence of a duly constituted Board of Installed Masters and in accordance with ancient custom. The Installing Master, WBro Mark Constant, acted in an exemplary manner throughout.
The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes, who was escorted by the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, WBro Dale Gilbert PAGDC, congratulated the Worshipful Master on having attained the Chair of Old Kimboltonians' Lodge No. 7204 and wished him a very happy and successful year in office.
WBro Maxamillian then appointed and invested his Officers with great confidence, which was a clear sign that the Lodge was in good hands and could expect a bumper year ahead, particularly as several candidates and joining-members were already waiting in the wings.
The Officers, Past Masters, and Brethren of the Lodge were all thanked for their help and support as were the large number of visitors in attendance.
Following the meeting, a vibrant and well-enjoyed Festive Board took place in the wonderful surroundings of Kimbolton Castle. It included a unique rendition of The Master’s Song by VWBro Graham Redman with musical accompaniment by WBro John Hitchin, and of course a very special toast to the new Worshipful Master from a very proud father!