Craft News
- Written by: Simon Key
For those brethren who may have missed the Solomon Live - What is Freemasonry? webcast with VWBro Dr David Staples GSec, a recording of the webcast is available to view online.
- Written by: James Prince
Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire New and Young Masons Club members have been busy distributing over 5,800 Easter Eggs to charities (including several children's charities), families in difficult circumstances, and hospitals.
The Easter Eggs have been very kindly donated by brethren, individuals and businesses from across the Province.
It is with much regret that St John’s Lodge No. 3972 announces the loss of long-time member, Bro Albert Colin Elvy PPJGD, who passed to the Grand Lodge Above on the 23rd of January 2021 aged 90-years.
- Written by: Simon Key
On Monday the 19th of April 2021, Richard Sandbach Lodge of Research No. 9600 will be holding the sixth in their series of Silver Jubilee lectures.
This particular lecture will be presented in two parts:
- A Short History of the Masonic Charities by WBro Philip Hammersley
- Cairo to London - A ParticularMasonic Journey 1866 to 2016 (sic) by WBro Dr Christopher Clark
The lecture will be held on Zoom and is open to Masons and non-Masons alike.The meeting will start at 7pm prompt.
Please note that the meeting will be recorded.
Members can view the meeting details by clicking the following link: