Craft News

Act of Remembrance At Quarterly Communication

During the Quarterly Communication meeting of Grand Lodge held on Friday the 30th July 2021, a very poignant multi-faith Act of Remembrance was led by the Grand Chaplain, VWBro Rev Dr Simon Thorn, supported by WBro Rabbi Zvi Solomons, WBro Ghanem Nuseibeh, WBro Mani Sharma and WBro Dr Surjit Singh Balla.

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During the Act of Remembrance, the 4,500 UGLE Lodges who had lost Brethren to the Grand Lodge Above during the COVID-19 pandemic were listed on screens. The Assistant Grand Master, RWBro Sir David Wootton, read Psalm 23, and Johnan Sebastian Bach’s Allemande from Partita No 2 in D Minor was played exquisitely by Henry Salmon.

It was a most fitting tribute to those who were lost during the pandemic; those who, without doubt, will be missed by their families, communities and Lodges.

The Masonic Province of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire was represented by the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, WBro Mark Constant as well as WBro John Fergusson.