On Tuesday the 18th of May 2021, the 2020 Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge was held. It was nearly a year later than it should have been with 350 fewer people in attendance than is usual for this flagship occasion in the Province’s calendar!
There were only six brethren present: the Provincial Grand Master, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, the two Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, the Provincial Grand Treasurer and the Provincial Grand Secretary. As you can imagine, there was some doubling-up to open and close the meeting!
The business itself was transacted in very quick time during which the Provincial Grand Master took the opportunity to update those present on developments from Grand Lodge.
The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes, commented:
It was a great delight to take the first step on our roadmap for the resumption of Freemasonry in this Province. There was much pleasure for those present to put on their regalia for the first time in a very long time and transact the business of Provincial Grand Lodge. In due course, we will all be able to get back to enjoying this very special fraternity of ours.