Royal Arch News
On 8 February 2014 the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams, wrote to the Scribes E of all Holy
Royal Arch Chapters in the Province with a copy of a letter of thanks from the Second Grand Principal, E Comp George Francis.
{slider=8 February 2014 - Most Excellent Grand Superintendent's Letter to Scribes E} {pdf=images/c-images/c-images-2014/14-02-08-megs-letter.pdf|650|975} {/slider}
The Second Grand Principal's letter congratulated the Province on raising £65,370 as part of the 2013 Bicentenary Appeal in aid of the Royal College of Surgeons.
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- Written by: Super User
REACH is a charity catering for the needs of children with upper limb disorders and has been supported in the past by Corby based Lodges and the Corby Masters charity fund.
At the Corby Masonic Centre on 7 February 2014 a cheque for £500 from the Chapter of St Giles was recently presented to the local Corby branch of REACH. The presentation was made by the Principle officers of the Chapter with the Deputy Grand Superintendent, EComp David Jackson and EComp Barry Cole. Linda McMeekin, Area Coordinator for the East Midlands Branch of REACH and her daughter Carys received the cheque. Linda thanked the Masons for their kind donation.
- Written by: Super User
A long serving member of Euston Chapter No 2283 has achieved his Chapter Jubilee Certificate. EComp Derek Young was presented with the Certificate by the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, EComp Wayne Williams at the Chapter’s 4 February 2014 convocation.
In presenting the Certificate the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent paid tribute to the many years of loyal service to the Holy Royal Arch given by EComp Young and said
Bearing in mind I was AsstPGM when Derek was DepPGM, to be able to present his 50th certificate in the Royal Arch was a rare occasion and a very great pleasure for me.
Earlier in the Convocation a special plaque in commemoration of the Holy Royal Arch Bicentennial Celebrations had been dedicated.
- Written by: Super User
At the convocation of Euston Chapter No 2283 on 4 February 2014 a special plaque in commemoration of the Holy Royal Arch Bicentennial Celebrations was dedicated by the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, EComp Wayne Williams.
The production of the plaque was the idea of the Chapter’s Scribe E, EComp Del Pearson. He enlisted the assistance of EComp Derek Young who designed the plaque and EComp John Pinkney Chapter IPZ who made it.
Later in the Convocation EComp Derek Young was presented with his Chapter Jubilee Certificate.
- Written by: Super User