Royal Arch News
All organisations such as ours in the Holy Royal Arch need to have a well-structured Mentoring or Recruitment policy.
Herewith is a brief outline of the model used in Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire. The policy in use currently in our Province has been evolved over six or seven years now and thanks to the hard work of those involved over that time has proved to be successful in gently pointing newly raised Master Masons towards the completion of their journey through Pure Antient Freemasonry.
In Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire, we have identified six main Masonic Centres as the hubs of our operation, where a small group of appointed Grand Officers and/or Senior Provincial Officers are informed by the Royal Arch Provincial Office of forthcoming Raisings that are due to take place in Craft Lodges within their locality. The policy requires that one of the team in that Centre will, if possible, attend the Raising ceremony and introduce himself to the newly raised Master Mason, pass over to him the pamphlet entitled “The Next Regular Step for the Master Mason” (which is currently being revised) and invite him to progress to the last important phase in his Masonic journey when he feels that the time is right for him to do so. If our Grand Officer or Senior Provincial Officer is not able to attend “on the night”, then contact can be made by telephone. The pamphlet is a low key introduction to the Holy Royal Arch and gives information and detail to stimulate the interest of the newly raised Master Mason. The Companion making the presentation of the pamphlet somewhat informally after the ceremony will then arrange to contact the Master Mason from time to time to gently nurse him along and to constantly remind him that, as yet, his journey from “Initiation to Exaltation” is incomplete.
The newly raised Master Mason also receives in due course a cordial and personal joint letter of invitation to join the Holy Royal Arch from the Provincial Grand Master and Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, sometimes presented in Lodge or sent direct by post to his home.
Frequently, there is mention of the importance of progressing to the Holy Royal Arch when the Master Mason receives his Grand Lodge Certificate from a member of the Craft Executive or Grand Lodge Officer, all of whom are invariably enthusiastic Royal Arch Companions.
All this is to provide information and is to support and enhance the traditional stream of recruits which has “survived the wreck of mighty empires” where Royal Arch Companions reach out to their Brethren and friends within their Lodges and tell them what they are missing by not taking that final and “last step” into the happy and colourful ending which is the Holy Royal Arch.
Once recruited, the most important part is to make sure that the new Companion is settled, happy and has a clear understanding of the ceremony and its meaning. The Proposer in particular and possibly, the Seconder have an important role here to make sure that the new member attends regularly and is invited to take a small part in the ceremonial but only as and when he wishes.
A mention should be made here of the importance of the Almoner of the Chapter. His role is to monitor attendances “Like a Watchman on a Tower” and be alert to absentees and to find out the reasons for this, which may not always be due to illness. He can then make enquiries himself or prompt the Proposer and possibly the Seconder to do so.
If there is a perceived need in a particular part of the Province, the Executive organise combined Information Evenings in that area where Master Masons and newly Exalted Royal Arch Companions can meet together and explore and discover more about the Holy Royal Arch over a light finger buffet.
As with all good management strategies, the policy is reviewed regularly by the Executive and revised or “tweaked” as necessary as we strive to bring the enjoyment of our Order to as many as we can. Thus far? seems to be working!
E Comp Mike Coleman
Deputy Grand Superintendent
- Written by: John Fergusson
A record number attended the 2015 Convocation of Provincial Grand Chapter on Thursday 25 June. This included representatives from no less than 21 Provinces.
The principal guest was the Second Grand Principal, ME Comp George Pipon Francis. He was making his last visit to a Provincial Convocation in that capacity as he is to stand down in November after ten years in office.
During the ceremony E Comp David Jackson stood down as Deputy Grand Superintendent and was replaced by E Comp Mike Coleman - being promoted from 2nd Provincial Grand Principal.
E Comp George Clayton was promoted from 3rd Provincial Grand Principal to 2nd Provincial Grand Principal.
E Comp Mark Constant was appointed as 3rd Provincial Grand Principal.
Following the appointment of E Comp Trevor Boswell as Deputy Provincial Grand Master, his place as the Holy Royal Arch’s Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies was taken by E Comp John Payne.
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams, presented his Certificate of Meritorious Service to E Comp Brian Thompson who he warmly congratulated on a well deserved award.
At the following Festive Board, the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent made a special presentation to the Second Grand Principal to mark his fourth visit to the Province during the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent’s tenure of office.
The presentation was in the form of a refill for the previously presented cut glass decanter and a Saints rugby shirt bearing the number two and the name Francis. The Second Grand Principal gratefully received these gifts and was quick to don his new rugby jersey, to the delight of all present - with the possible exception of the Province of Leicestershire representatives.
- Written by: Gerry Crawford
At the Annual Convocation of Provincial Grand Chapter on 25th June 2015, the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, Excellent Companion Wayne Williams awarded Excellent Companion Brian Thompson with his Certificate of Merit to much acclaim from the Companions.
This well deserved award made for a rare `double` because in 2007, Worshipful Brother Brian had also been awarded the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master`s Certificate of Merit for services in the Craft.
Worshipful Brother Brian Thompson is a Kettering Group Officer, a Past Master of St Crispin Lodge 5627, & both a founder & Past Master of Trinity Lodge 9165. He is also a Past First Principal of St Crispin Chapter 5627 & a member of Cytringan Chapter 4048, together with many other orders.
A member of both the Northants & Hunts Lodge of Installed Masters L3422 & Chapter of First Principals C3422, he holds the ranks of Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden & Past Provincial Grand Scribe N.
Commenting, W Bro Brian said, ` I am very honoured to have been recognised in this way. I am most grateful because throughout my Masonic career over 36 years, I have made such wonderful friendships & have thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of both Craft & Royal Arch Freemasonry, & indeed other orders".
- Written by: Rob Taylor
Thursday 23 April saw the Acting Provincial Officers, Principals & Scribe Es dinner in Corby. This dinner was extremely well supported by the Principals and Scribe E’s of the Province together with an almost full complement of the Provincial Team.
Our ME Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams, gave a very comprehensive address on the state of the Holy Royal Arch in Northants & Hunts, particularly thanking E Comp David Jackson for his exceptional contribution to the Holy Royal Arch over his 14 years as a Provincial Officer, nine of which being as Deputy Grand Superintendent. All were pleased to note, from the MEGS, that E Comp David will continue his active involvement in our Provincial Grand Chapter, albeit in a different capacity.
The Grand Superintendent went on to expand on the forthcoming ‘Ceremony of the Passing of the Veils’ by the Province of Bristol team. This will take place on 3rd September at the Chapter of First Principals in Northampton. Demand is expected to be high for this event and early application for tickets is advised.
- Written by: Super User