Royal Arch News

Excellent Companion Brian Thompson Double Award

At the Annual Convocation of Provincial Grand Chapter on 25th June 2015, the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, Excellent Companion Wayne Williams awarded Excellent Companion Brian Thompson with his Certificate of Merit to much acclaim from the Companions.

This well deserved award made for a rare `double`  because in 2007,  Worshipful Brother Brian had also been awarded the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master`s Certificate of Merit for services in the Craft.

Worshipful  Brother Brian Thompson is a Kettering Group Officer, a Past Master of St Crispin Lodge 5627,  & both a founder & Past Master of Trinity Lodge 9165.  He is also a Past First Principal of St Crispin Chapter 5627 & a member of Cytringan Chapter 4048, together with many other orders.

A member of both the Northants & Hunts Lodge of Installed Masters L3422 & Chapter of First Principals C3422, he holds the ranks of  Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden & Past Provincial Grand Scribe N.

Commenting, W Bro Brian said, ` I am very honoured to have been recognised in this way. I am most grateful because throughout my Masonic career over 36 years, I have made such wonderful friendships & have thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of both Craft & Royal Arch Freemasonry, & indeed other orders".

Excellent Companion Brian Thompson