Thursday 23 April saw the Acting Provincial Officers, Principals & Scribe Es dinner in Corby. This dinner was extremely well supported by the Principals and Scribe E’s of the Province together with an almost full complement of the Provincial Team.
Our ME Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams, gave a very comprehensive address on the state of the Holy Royal Arch in Northants & Hunts, particularly thanking E Comp David Jackson for his exceptional contribution to the Holy Royal Arch over his 14 years as a Provincial Officer, nine of which being as Deputy Grand Superintendent. All were pleased to note, from the MEGS, that E Comp David will continue his active involvement in our Provincial Grand Chapter, albeit in a different capacity.
The Grand Superintendent went on to expand on the forthcoming ‘Ceremony of the Passing of the Veils’ by the Province of Bristol team. This will take place on 3rd September at the Chapter of First Principals in Northampton. Demand is expected to be high for this event and early application for tickets is advised.