Royal Arch News

Antient Ceremony of the Veils

15 09 04 bristol demo group

On Thursday 3 September 2015, the Holy Royal Arch Province of Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire was honoured to extend a very warm welcome to the ME Grand Superintendent of Bristol, E Comp Alan J Vaughan, and his Demonstration Team to present a demonstration of the Antient Ceremony of the Veils. This was very kindly hosted by our own Chapter of First Principals.


Unchanged for some 200 years, this event provided a fascinating insight to the origins of the Exaltation Ceremony practised by us today, much to the appreciation of an enthusiastic audience of around 270 Companions which included the MEGS of Warwickshire, E Comp John Saint. E Comp Barry Goulding was awarded a Certificate by E Comp Vaughan following his participation in the ceremony as the Exaltee, his performance was almost worthy of an Oscar such was the gusto with which he played his part, word perfect as usual! 

15 09 04 megs team photo15 09 04 megs principals group15 09 04 bristol principals group                              15 09 04 megs certificate goulding solo

Towards the end of an excellent Festive Board, our MEGS, E Comp Wayne Williams, congratulated and thanked all concerned for their hard work in producing this wonderful event which clearly exceeded everyone’s expectations.         

 15 09 04 festive board shot one         15 09 04 festive board shot two