Royal Arch News
On Thursday 26 June 2014 Provincial Grand Chapter was held at Sheaf Close. The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, EComp Wayne Williams, had much pleasure in welcoming the record attendance of over 250 Companions, including senior representatives from 20 other Provinces.
He praised the work of outgoing Provincial Third Provincial Grand Principal, E Comp John Phillips, and Provincial Grand Almoner, EComp Robin Hitchcock and said
Today, E Comp John Phillips takes his retirement from the Provincial Executive as our Third Provincial Grand Principal after two very successful years during which he has contributed so much to the Provincial Team and to the well-being of the Province.
And today, we also bid farewell to E Comp Robin Hitchcock as our PrGAlmoner. Thank you, Robin, for the time and commitment you have so readily given over the last seven years in establishing the Chapter Almoner role. The Almoners’ role in my view is absolutely crucial with so much emphasis placed on retention and retrieval and whilst your journey has had its ups and downs, you are the one who has established a framework upon which your successor, E Comp Del Pearson, can now continue to build with confidence.
- Written by: Super User
When he was MEZ of Buckby Castle Chapter, EComp Alan Walder was unable to attend the Installation of his successor because of ill health. In fact he had been undergoing treatment as he progressed through the Principals’ Chairs.
Due to his continuing ill health he is unable to attending the Chapter. However, the Past Zs of the Chapter felt it essential that be presented with his Past Z’s jewel.
The present MEZ, EComp Neville Whitehead and EComp Ken Rapkin, the present Second Principal, with EComp Robin Hitchcock recently went to the home of EComp Walder where the MEZ was pleased to present him with his jewel, for which he was most grateful.
- Written by: Super User
The Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams, has announced details of Grand Chapter appointments and promotions of Companions in this Province that are to take place at the annual Investiture Meeting of Supreme Grand Chapter in April.
Receiving first appointments are
- E Comp Trevor Boswell PrGDC will be appointed PGStB
- E Comp Barry Hadley PrGScrE will be appointed PGStB
- E Comp Ken Marris of St Crispin and Thistle & Rose Chapters will be appointed PAGDC
- E Comp Simon Mighall of Euston Chapter will be appointed PAGDC
E Comp Barry Cole of Perseverance Chapter and Chapter of St Giles will be promoted to PGStB
It is with great sadness that the passing to the Grand Lodge above of E Comp Roy Clark on 16 February 2014 is announced.
He was 86 years old, born in Lincoln and educated at the City School, Lincoln. He then attended Lincoln School of Art and Leicester School of Art. After moving to Peterborough from Lincoln, he was a teacher of art at Deacons School, became head of Art and finally Head of the Lower School. He exhibited his works both locally and in Norfolk.
He was a family man, married to Joan and had two sons.
He was initiated into Fitzwilliam Lodge No 2533 on 5 May 1960 becoming its Worshipful Master in 1975. He gained Grand Rank in the Craft in 1986 eventually becoming Deputy Grand Sword Bearer. He was a founder member of Thomas Deacon Lodge No 9126 in 1984, a member of the Three Counties Lodge No 9278, Northants and Hunts Lodge of Installed Masters No 3422 and St Peter’s Chapter No 442.
His Masonic career progressed in the Holy Royal Arch and he was appointed Grand Superintendent in 1990, a post he held until 1997. It was appropriate therefore that his Jubilee Certificate was presented by the present Most Excellent Grand Superintendent E Comp Wayne Williams at Fitzwilliam Lodge on 6 May 2010.
- Written by: Super User