Royal Arch News

Ill Health No Barrier to EComp Alan Walder Receiving Past Z’s Jewel

When he was MEZ of Buckby Castle Chapter, EComp Alan Walder was unable to attend the Installation of his successor because of ill health.  In fact he had been undergoing treatment as he progressed through the Principals’ Chairs.  

Due to his continuing ill health he is unable to attending the Chapter.  However, the Past Zs of the Chapter felt it essential that be presented with his Past Z’s jewel. 

EComps Alan Walder & Neville Whitehead

The present MEZ, EComp Neville Whitehead and EComp Ken Rapkin, the present Second Principal, with EComp Robin Hitchcock recently went to the home of EComp Walder where the MEZ was pleased to present him with his jewel, for which he was most grateful.