Royal Arch News

Donation within REACH thanks to Chapter of St Giles

REACH is a charity catering for the needs of children with upper limb disorders and has been supported in the past by Corby based Lodges and the Corby Masters charity fund.

(l to r back) EComp Barry Cole, EComp Billy Glover (1st Principal), EComp Jack Summerfield (3rd Principal), EComp Martin Baker (2nd Principal) and ExComp David Jackson, Deputy Grand Superintendent (front) Linda McMeekin and daughter Carys

At the Corby Masonic Centre on 7 February 2014 a cheque for £500 from the Chapter of St Giles was recently presented to the local Corby branch of REACH.  The presentation was made by the Principle officers of the Chapter with the Deputy Grand Superintendent, EComp David Jackson and EComp Barry Cole.  Linda McMeekin, Area Coordinator for the East Midlands Branch of REACH and her daughter Carys received the cheque.  Linda thanked the Masons for their kind donation.