Craft News
- Written by: Jack Summerfield
We are very sad to report that, on Monday the 29th of April 2019, WBro Jason Robert Hill passed away suddenly at home.
WBro Jason was a very popular and well-liked Freemason and Police Officer. Also, a doting father and husband. He was only 49-years old.
- Written by: Simon Key
On Thursday the 9th of May 2019, some 50+ brethren attended the meeting of Lactodorum Lodge No. 8526 at Towcester where they witnessed the memorable Passing of twins Bro Matthew Russell and Bro James Russell during a ceremony superbly led by their father and Lactodorum's Worshipful Master, WBro Phil Russell.
- Written by: Gerry Crawford
On Saturday the 11th of May 2019, the CEO of Lifelites, Simone Enefer-Doy, attended the Boat Inn, Stoke Bruerne, as part of a15-day fundraising marathon.
Upon arrival, she took to a canal boat where the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VWBro Charles Bennett, was pleased to present her with a cheque for £5,000,
- Written by: Alex Willis
On Friday the 26th of April 2019, WBro David Redden, Chicheley Lodge's charity steward, presented a cheque for £1,000 to Ellen Bing, Senior Fundraiser of East Anglian Children's Hospice (EACH).