Craft News
- Written by: Michael C.E.Branch
The first meeting of Lodge of St. Paul's Afternoon Tea for the Lodge's widows and elderly brethren took place on Friday the 5th of April 2019.
- Written by: John Fergusson
On Thursday the 4th April 2019, Pomfret Lodge No 360 held the second of three events to celebrate their bicentenary: a Progeny Banner Parade.
Amongst those attending were the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes, and WBro David Burton, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master.
- Written by: John Fergusson
The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes, has appointed WBro Steve Brown PPGSwdB as a Group Officer for the Rushden & Wellingborough group of lodges with immediate effect.
- Written by: Jack Summerfield
On Friday the 22nd of March 2019, Bro Lewis Harman was initiated into Thistle and Rose Lodge No. 6644 at Corby Masonic Complex.
It was a special evening not only for Lewis, but also for his father, WBro Glen Harman PPGReg, who is the Lodge's Director of Ceremonies.