On Thursday the 9th of May 2019, some 50+ brethren attended the meeting of Lactodorum Lodge No. 8526 at Towcester where they witnessed the memorable Passing of twins Bro Matthew Russell and Bro James Russell during a ceremony superbly led by their father and Lactodorum's Worshipful Master, WBro Phil Russell.
Bro Matthew and Bro James, who were initiated in the presence of the Provincial Grand Master on the 21st of February 2019 (click here for details), were escorted most ably throughout the ceremony by the Senior Deacon, Bro Paul Weatherley, assisted by the Junior Deacon, Bro Dave Adams.
The Working Tools were faultlessly presented by close family friend and Lodge Treasurer, Bro Jeff Wells.
WBro Dave Eaton PPSGD gave a super presentation of the South East Corner,
Lodge ADC and Provincial Webmaster, WBro Simon Key ProvGStwd (another close family friend), gave a seldom-heard presentation of the Charge After Passing.
The highlight of the evening was an outstanding solo rendition of the 2nd Degree Tracing Board by Bro Howard Clark.
Following the ceremony, the brethren adjourned to Towcestrians Sports Club where they enjoyed a super festive board.
Lodge DC, WBro Bob Cox ProvSGW, was on hand throughout to make sure everything ran like clockwork.
We congratulate Bro Matthew and Bro James on their progress. It's clear from the smiles on their faces just how much they enjoyed themselves!