Craft News
- Written by: Peter Robinson
It is perhaps timely to ask all of our members, should they be feeling unwell and think that they are suffering from something that someone else might catch, to consider very carefully whether they should be attending Lodge or Chapter meetings until they are better. This is very much for the benefit of all of our members as well as that of the individual concerned.
We will, of course, update this advice as appropriate according to Public Health England advice.
Sincerely and fraternally yours,
Dr David Staples, FRCP
CEO and Grand Secretary
- Written by: Peter Robinson
The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes, has been pleased to confirm the appointment of WBro Rick Hill ProvAGDC as the new Local Communications Officer for the South-West group of lodges, which meet in and around Brackley, Daventry and Towcester.
- Written by: Richard Hill
On Saturday the 15th of February 2020, over 70-people attended the 7th Annual Quiz at a packed Daventry Masonic Centre raising a record sum of £725 in the process.
Senior Group Officer, WBro Dick Godwin, applauded WBro Bob Lattaway, WBro Graham Ballinger, Anna and Jason Sheppard, and WBro David Smith, all of whom played a key part in the event's success.
On Monday the 17th of February 2020, the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes, accompanied by WBro Lou Orsi APGM, WBro Mark Constant APGM, and many active Provincial officers, attended a superb ceremony in celebration of the the Centenary of St John's Lodge No. 3972.
A significant number of St John's Lodge members and lodge-visitors were in attendance including five brethren from New Monkland Montrose Lodge No. 88.