Mrs Sandra Summerfield, wife of WBro Jack C. Summerfield, has been filling-in her spare-time during lockdown by making fabric face-masks to raise funds for Kettering General Hospital's Intensive Care Unit.
At other times, Sandra is busy using her sewing skills to create costumes for the the Xmas Pantomime held each year at Corby and other Masonic centres across the Province.
Sandra, who works as an early-years key-worker at a nursery school in Corby, initially started to make the masks for her own family.
When news of the masks spread via Facebook, friends were keen to obtain some for their own families and offered to pay for them.
However, rather than charging, Sandra suggested that they donate to the KGH Intensive Care Unit where her sister-in-law works as a deputy sister.
She has since been inundated with orders and has already raised £250 with many orders left to fill.
Accordingly, please don't get in touch as her order-books are now closed till further notice!
Important Note
We are obliged to point-out that the protection against coronavirus afforded by face-masks continues to be debated.
Accordingly, the Masonic Province of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire makes no guarantees, warranties or recommendations of any kind, expressed or otherwise, in this regard.