Craft News
- Written by: Max Bayes
It is now very clear that we are living through an unprecedented time in our history. Undoubtedly, these times bring with them much anxiety and fear of the unknown as well as many challenges to the way in which we go about our daily lives. The spirit and support that is prevalent across our fine Province should be a source of pride to us all in these testing moments. While Freemasonry has been suspended, it does not stop us from being Freemasons and practising those duties out of the Lodge that we have been taught in it. This is a time where we all need to play our part and step up to the challenge in front of us...
- Written by: Peter Robinson
Freemasons are calling for the whole community to ensure no one feels alone, even if they are physically self-isolating, to be remembered in an online toast at 9pm tonight using the Twitter #TimeToToast hashtag.
- Written by: Peter Robinson
Dear Brethren,
Please click the following link for a message from the Pro Grand Master, MWBro Peter Lowndes:
- Written by: Peter Robinson
Dear Brethren,
As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, The Grand Master, HRH The Duke of Kent, has suspended all Lodge and Chapter meetings for a period of four months with immediate effect:
As a reminder, this and other relevant correspondence is accessible to registered Mason website users via the following menu:
Yours sincerely and fraternally,
WBro Peter Robinson
Provincial Communications Officer