Craft News
- Written by: Richard Hill
Brethren in the south-west group have taken these difficult times to task, making the most of technology to keep in touch and hold frequent nine o'clock virtual toasts.
Indeed, Brother Ben Allee from Coritani Lodge No. 8079 went the whole hog and dressed for the occasion!
- Written by: Peter Robinson
Brethren across the Province are being encouraged to support the C-19 COVID Symptom Tracker project by self-reporting valuable data, even if they are well, to help scientists identify:
- High-risk areas in the UK
- Who is most at risk by better understanding symptoms linked to underlying health conditions
- How fast the virus is spreading across different areas
- Written by: Simon Key
Dear Brethren,
The United Grand Lodge of England is calling on Freemasons to join the NHS in the fight against coronavirus by volunteering to help vulnerable people stay safe!
We’re calling on #Freemasons to join @NHSuk in the fight against coronavirus by volunteering to help vulnerable people stay safe!
— United Grand Lodge of England (@UGLE_GrandLodge) March 25, 2020
You’ll be on hand for vital tasks such as driving patients to appointments & contacting those in isolation.
Join here ➡️
- Written by: Simon Key
Dear Brethren,
For some time now, the United Grand Lodge of England has provided Masonic provinces with a GoToMeeting and GoToWebinar facility.
Registered Mason website users can view details of these facilities on the following page:
- Regd User > Venue, Meal & Event Bookings > Online Meeting & Webinar Bookings
Brethren having need of either or both of these facilities during the coronavirus pandemic should contact the Provincial webmaster using the contact form.
Notwithstanding that only one meeting/webinar can be held at a time, other video-conference facilities are also available including Zoom...