Royal Arch News
All of the Companions that attended the Installation Convocation of Thistle and Rose Chapter No. 6644 at Corby Masonic Complex on 10th October 2017 witnessed an excellent Installation Convocation. The Chapter was honoured to receive E Comp Jim Boughton, Second Provincial Grand Principal who was escorted by E Comp John Payne, Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies. E Comp Mike Coleman, Deputy Grand Superintendent was also present.
E Comp Chris Goode was installed as First Principal, E Comp Paul Seaton as Second Principal and E Comp Andrew McWilliam as Third Principal. The Robes and Sceptres were presented by Acting Provincial Officers; E Comp P.G. Ayton - ProvGStB, E Comp W.B. Glover – ProvGStB and E Comp G.F.K. Rogers - ProvGSwdB, all of which were delivered to an excellent quality of ritual.
After the Principals had invested their Officers for the ensuing year, E Comp Ken Marris PAGDC invested the Immediate Past Z, E Comp David Docherty with his jewel in a very commendable manner. During the evening Comp Jim Masson was presented with his Supreme Grand Chapter Certificate by the Second Provincial Grand Principal.
The evening was finished off with a superb Festive Board which was enjoyed by all. Our congratulations to the three newly Installed Principals and Officers of the Chapter and we offer them our sincere best wishes for a very happy and enjoyable year ahead.
The newly Installed Principals (left to right), E Comp Paul Seaton, E Comp Chris Goode & E Comp Andrew McWilliam
flanking the 2nd Provincial Grand Principal, E Comp Jim Boughton
- Written by: John Fergusson
Chapter of St. Giles in Corby hosted a fine Installation meeting on Friday 6th October 2017. The Chapter was honoured to have the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams, in attendance, accompanied by E Comp Steve Seward, Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies
E Comp. David Docherty was installed as Z, E Comp Malcolm Atkins as H and E Comp Garth Coward as J. E Comp David Jackson PGSwdB, PDepGSupt, invested the Immediate Past Z, E Comp Malcolm Atkins, with his jewel in an exemplary manner. E Comp Malcolm Atkins assisted the Chapter greatly by stepping in as H, following the sudden death of EComp John Webster earlier in the year.
The quality of the ritual throughout the evening was outstanding, the Robes and Sceptres were presented by Acting Provincial Grand Chapter Officers, E Comp Roy Harris – ProvGSN, E Comp Steve Squires - ProvGReg and E Comp Scott McNeil – ProvGOrg all carried out in the most exemplary manner.
Our congratulations to the three newly Installed Principals and Officers of the Chapter and we offer them our sincere best wishes for a very happy and enjoyable year ahead.
A most enjoyable Festive Board brought the evening to its conclusion.
The newly Installed Principals (left to right), E Comp Malcolm Atkins, E Comp David Docherty & E Comp Garth Coward flanked
by the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent E Comp Wayne Williams & E Comp Steve Seward, Provincial
Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies
- Written by: John Fergusson
On 2 October 2017, Bro Jake Ogden became Comp Jake Ogden on being exalted into the Royal Arch and completed his journey in Pure Antient Masonry. Amongst those present to witness an excellent ceremony was the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams, accompanied by his Provincial Grand Chapter Executive and Provincial Grand Chapter Officers as part of a Provincial team visit.
The Companions enjoyed a fine ceremony which was led by the MEZ, E Comp John Fergusson and who was very well supported by the Chapter's Second & Third Principals as well as Comp Roy Sparks who delivered the Principal Sojourner's work in a first class manner. The ceremony was completed with the First Principal's or Mystical lecture and this included fine contributions from E Comp Merrick Bowles and E Comp Paul Sparks
The ceremony was followed by a fine festive board to welcome Comp Jake into the Royal Arch and Eleanor Cross Chapter and we wish him a long and happy future as a member of this fine Chapter.
- Written by: John Fergusson
On 26 September 2017, Bro Antony Gibson became Comp Antony Gibson on being exalted into the Royal Arch and completed his journey in Pure Antient Masonry. Amongst those present to witness an excellent ceremony was the 2nd Provincial Grand Principal, E Comp Jim Boughton, accompanied by E Comp Jeff Chambers, Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies.
The Companions enjoyed a fine ceremony which was led by the MEZ, E Comp David Watson and who was very well supported by the Chapter's Second & Third Principals as well as E Comp Pat Harris and E Comp Roger Blason who delivered the Sojourner's work in a first class manner. The ceremony was completed with the 3rd Principal's or Historlcal lecture and this was delivered in style by E Comp Mike Howells
The ceremony was followed by a fine festive board to welcome Comp Antony into the Royal Arch and Abington Chapter and we wish him a long and happy future as a member of this fine Chapter.
- Written by: John Fergusson