Royal Arch News
On Thursday 13 July, our Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, supported by his Executive, hosted the Acting Provincial Grand Chapter Officers’ Dinner at Kettering Masonic Hall.
This evening presented our Grand Superintendent with the perfect opportunity to complete his 2017/18 Appointments and Promotions by appointing and investing E Comp Phil Longstaff as a Provincial Grand Steward. E Comp Phil of Whytewell Chapter had been, through very unfortunate circumstances, been unable to attend the Provincial Grand Chapter Convocation in June.
So, with a full complement of Acting Provincial Grand Chapter Officers appointed and invested, our Grand Superintendent proceeded to congratulate those present and rally the troops for the forthcoming season.
- Written by: John Fergusson
E Comp Rev Canon Frank E Pickard PPrGJ, PGStB:
It was with much sadness that we heard earlier this week that, on Wednesday morning in Northampton General Hospital at approximately 7.00am, E Comp Frank Pickard lost his fight against an illness which he had fended off bravely for so long over the last few years. He was 86 years of age.
His situation had gradually deteriorated of late and whilst we preferred not to face the inevitable consequences, his passing nonetheless came as a shock to so many. We convey our sincere condolences to his widow, Margaret, and the family at this sad time. Our thoughts and prayers are with them. E Comp Frank’s funeral takes place on Friday 14th July at 11.00am at Northampton’s All Saints Church.
He was a senior and experienced member of both the Craft and the Royal Arch - as a Past Provincial Grand Chaplain in the Craft Province for some 8 years, he was appointed to active rank for 12 months in the United Grand Lodge of England as Assistant Grand Chaplain in 1987. He was initiated into De La Pre Lodge in Northampton in February 1979, and later became a joining member of Forest Hill Lodge in London in 1984; he was Worshipful Master in both in 1985 and 1992 respectively. At the time of his passing to the Grand Chapter Above, he had been afforded honorary member status in no less than ten Craft Lodges.
But we know that he held a particular passion and affection for the Royal Arch, exalted into Eleanor Cross Chapter in Northampton in December 1982 and becoming a joining member of Forest Hill Chapter in January 1990. Most importantly, he was a Founder member of our own Waynflete Chapter, then based in Brackley, on its consecration in January 2002. He served as First Principal in all three Chapters with which he was so closely involved.
In June 1998, he was appointed our Provincial Third Grand Principal in Provincial Grand Chapter for two years, later awarded the rank of SLGCR in Metropolitan Grand Chapter in 2005 and rightly afforded the Supreme Grand Chapter rank of PGStB in 2007. We shall remember him for many years to come as a wonderful raconteur with a story to fit all occasions, a great support to all those who sought his help and with time to spare for all Companions, both young and old, who knew that, under that sometimes rather austere look, there lay a heart of gold in a Companion who was truly a Royal Arch man through and through.
I personally will never forget the time when our first grandson, at the tender age of five years, was diagnosed with leukaemia. With one’s faith well and truly tested, I vented my anger and frustration on all and sundry, not least, on E Comp Frank Pickard who accidentally fell right into my firing line. On reflection, I’m so glad he did – he so gently absorbed my ill-chosen words and frustrations and my doubts as to the existence of our Supreme Being. Yet, in the post just a few days later, a letter arrived, handwritten, from E Comp Frank urging me to keep the faith and strengthen my belief that all would be well. And so it came to pass – young Alfie, now at 13 years of age, enjoys the best of health.
E Comp Frank’s letter will serve as a reminder of a good friend, a great Mason and a Mentor to so many of us – it will remain with me until time with me shall be no more. Rest in Peace, E Comp Frank – you will be sorely missed.
Wayne Williams
ME Grand Superintendent.
- Written by: John Fergusson
Traditionally, this event is much anticipated by Companions throughout our province and this convocation, being the 11th hosted by our MEGS, E Comp Wayne Williams, was no exception. Over 250 Companions were in attendance which included 14 Acting, and 2 Past ME Grand Superintendents and other officers from surrounding Provinces. The Province was also honoured also by the presence of the Most Excellent 3rd Grand Principal, E Comp Gareth Jones, OBE
A change in the Executive was effected due to E Comp George Clayton stepping down, as 2nd Provincial Grand Principal, due to some health issues. Installed in his place was E Comp Jim Boughton, who is particularly well known for his recent five year tenure as Assistant Provincial Grand Master.
The Third Grand Principal addressed the convocation during which he discussed membership issues especially relating to Retention and Retrieval in a most thought provoking manner, which was very well received by all present.
Our MEGS during his address was pleased to announce a particularly healthy increase in new Companions joining our Royal Arch Province over the past calendar year, and certainly the largest during his time in office. While he was pleased to congratulate all Chapters for their hard work in achieving this result, he particularly advised avoidance of any complacency, particularly requesting that Companions ensure efforts are maintained to strengthen and reinforce the membership.
The ceremony was followed by an excellent Festive Board at which the Third Grand Principal further addressed the Companions much to the appreciation of all present. As is customary on these occasions, he was presented with a gift to commemorate a truly memorable and very happy occasion.
Finally, the Provincial Scribe E, E Companion David Brown and his Assistant and all others involved were thanked for organising this wonderful day of Companionship at it’s very best.
- Written by: John Fergusson
Our Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams, authorised a £1,000 donation directly to the Manchester Bomb Appeal on behalf of our Royal Arch Province; our Grand Superintendent has a very close relationship with his East Lancashire counterpart, E Comp Sir David Trippier, as both sit on the Committee of General Purposes.
The donation was very well received by the Province of East Lancashire as the extract from the recently received e-mail shows:
"I acknowledge receipt of your most generous donation of £1,000 on behalf of Provincial Grand Chapter of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire.
I am informed that the RW Provincial Grand Master has agreed that monies will be donated to the most appropriate charitable fund which appears to us is best serving the needs of the victims and families. We are also waiting on hearing from the new Mayor of Greater Manchester in regards to what his office has set up. The British Red Cross have aligned themselves to the Manchester Evening News appeal, but as this is all about dealing with the consequences, we will consider all options and make an informed decision being cognisant that our monies are coming from Freemasons. Whatever is chosen will be checked out thoroughly and all Provinces advised/updated.”
- Written by: John Fergusson