Our Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams, authorised a £1,000 donation directly to the Manchester Bomb Appeal on behalf of our Royal Arch Province; our Grand Superintendent has a very close relationship with his East Lancashire counterpart, E Comp Sir David Trippier, as both sit on the Committee of General Purposes.
The donation was very well received by the Province of East Lancashire as the extract from the recently received e-mail shows:
"I acknowledge receipt of your most generous donation of £1,000 on behalf of Provincial Grand Chapter of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire.
I am informed that the RW Provincial Grand Master has agreed that monies will be donated to the most appropriate charitable fund which appears to us is best serving the needs of the victims and families. We are also waiting on hearing from the new Mayor of Greater Manchester in regards to what his office has set up. The British Red Cross have aligned themselves to the Manchester Evening News appeal, but as this is all about dealing with the consequences, we will consider all options and make an informed decision being cognisant that our monies are coming from Freemasons. Whatever is chosen will be checked out thoroughly and all Provinces advised/updated.”