Royal Arch News
On Friday 9th February 2018, Piscator Chapter enjoyed a first class Installation Convocation. The Chapter was honoured to receive the Deputy Grand Superintendent In Charge, E Comp Mike Coleman who was escorted by E Comp John Payne, Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies.
E Comp Roger Blason was installed as First Principal, E Comp Mike Howells as Second Principal and E Comp Steve James as Third Principal.
After the Principals had invested their Officers for the ensuing year, E Comp Aaron Day was presented with a PZ jewel to mark an excellent year as Piscator Chapter’s First Principal.
The evening was finished off with a superb Festive Board which was enjoyed by all. Our congratulations to the three newly Installed Principals and Officers of the Chapter and we offer them our sincere best wishes for a very happy and enjoyable year ahead.
- Written by: John Fergusson
The 2nd of February is famous for being Groundhog day – The day that traditionally can predict whether Spring will come early or not. Well on Friday 2nd February 2018 The Chapter of St. Giles No. 8736 gave such warmth to their new exaltee; W Bro Peter John Lattimore as he completed his journey in Pure Antient Masonry that it seemed Spring had already sprung.
The Third Provincial Grand Principal, E Comp Mark Constant., accompanied by the Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies E Comp. Jeffrey Freeman were the Official Visitors to the Chapter to witness another exaltee into the Supreme Order of the Royal Arch. The Deputy Grand Superintendent in Charge, Excellent Companion Michael Coleman was also present.
The Chapter’s Principals, E Comp David Docherty, E Comp Graham Rogers and E Comp Garth Coward, led their team with some fine ritual. A special note must be made to E Comp Graham Rogers who stood in at short notice. Comp Maurice Thubron was very impressive as he took on all of the Principal Sojourner’s role.
The signs were presented by E Comp Jack C. Summerfield, followed by the Symbolical Lecture, presented in an exemplary style by Comp Chris Vickers and Comp John Russell. The Mystical Lecture was very well presented by E Comp Ken Marris, E Comp Harry Twelvetree and E Comp Michael Coleman, who also stood in at short notice.
The evening was rounded off when E Comp Mark Constant presented Comp Bart Krogulec with his Grand Chapter Certificate. This was followed by a wonderful Festive Board.
Pictured above (left to right): E Comp Jeff Freeman, Comp Peter Lattimore, 3rd Provincial Grand Principal, E Comp Mark Constant
Back Row (left to right): E Comp Graham Rogers, E Comp David Docherty & E Comp Garth Coward
- Written by: John Fergusson
On Saturday 3rd February 2018, the second of the PSA Testing sessions (organised by the Royal Arch) was held at the Peterborough Masonic Centre at Peterborough in conjunction with the Graham Fulford Trust. It was a very busy session with over 120 Companions taking the opportunity of having this important test. We all hope that some form of re-assurance and a degree of comfort will be given to all participants who took advantage of this initiative and will help to point them in the right direction should any further advice or guidance be required.
The feeling from the session was best expressed by one Companion who said "'they felt that our Province cared and they were so pleased and felt appreciated as they saw the activity as Province giving something back to the Companions"
The recently retired Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams, who launched the initiative back in November in Northampton, was also in attendance as was the Past Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro Nicolas Hart.
The third and last session will be held at Corby on 21st April, alll Corby/Kettering Companions will be contacted by letter inviting them to attend the testing session for free.
Pictured above (left to right): E Comp Barry Stephenson, Past Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams,
E Comp Stuart Morgan & E Comp Mike Green
- Written by: John Fergusson
It’s good when a plan comes together. This being the last scheduled Official Meeting of the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, it was decided from the outset that Wellingborough Chapter's January Convocation was destined to be something rather special, the object being to fill the temple with as many friends and acquaintances possible, and indeed anyone wishing to say farewell to E Comp Wayne Williams, Most Excellent Grand Superintendent in and over the Royal Arch Province of Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire following almost eleven years of exemplary service. The only request to those intending to go, or being aware of what was happening was, ‘DON’T TELL HIM’.
Present on the evening was the full Executive, Past Executive, Acting Provincial Grand Chapter Officers and a virtual plethora of Grand Chapter Officers and friends.
The work in the temple was equally special, a double Exaltation Ceremony. Newly exalted Companions Martin Hill and Gary Thornton will, for sure, remember always this most amazing occasion on which together they completed their journey through Pure Antient Masonry. The whole ceremony was conducted in a most exemplary manner by the officers of this fine Chapter.
Newly exalted Companions Martin Hill & Gary Thornton pictured below with the Wellingborough Chapter's
Principals and Provincial Grand Chapter Executive
The Festive Board, predictably, really was something else when what can only be described as a celebratory spirit pervaded the whole evening. The toast to the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent was in the extremely capable hands of the Deputy Grand Superintendent E Comp Mike Coleman. This was very warmly received being studded with many anecdotes and much humour. At some point, the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent was presented with a wrapped present which turned out to be a ‘Skiffle Group Washboard’. In unrehearsed splendour, starting with members of the Executive, the whole room joined in an amazing rendition of Lonnie Donegan’s ‘My old Man’s a Dustman’, solos by the Executive and great fun for all. E Comp Wayne accompanied on the Washboard together with Barry Weigleb on Tea Chest and Barry Williamson on Banjo.
Deputy Grand Superintendent, E Comp Mike then presented the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent with an envelope containing an extremely large cheque which is reputed to be growing in value on a daily basis with no sign yet of it abating.
In response to his toast, E Comp Wayne reflected on his extended term in office and his undoubted affection for this wonderful Royal Arch Province. He thanked everyone for the huge support he received during his almost eleven years tenure. Finally he was saluted by all present with an enormous ovation, to mark not just the end of an era, but expectation by all of many more special occasions to enjoy together in Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire Royal Arch Masonry, albeit in a rather different capacity.
- Written by: John Fergusson