Royal Arch News

Abington Chapter Hosts A Fine Exaltation

On 26 September 2017, Bro Antony Gibson became Comp Antony Gibson on being exalted into the Royal Arch and completed his journey in Pure Antient Masonry. Amongst those present to witness an excellent ceremony was the 2nd Provincial Grand Principal, E Comp Jim Boughton, accompanied by E Comp Jeff Chambers, Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies. 

The Companions enjoyed a fine ceremony which was led by the MEZ, E Comp David Watson and who was very well supported by the Chapter's Second & Third Principals as well as E Comp Pat Harris and E Comp Roger Blason who delivered the Sojourner's work in a first class manner. The ceremony was completed with the 3rd Principal's or Historlcal lecture and this was delivered in style by E Comp Mike Howells

The ceremony was followed by a fine festive board to welcome Comp Antony into the Royal Arch and Abington Chapter and we wish him a long and happy future as a member of this fine Chapter. 

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