Craft News
- Written by: Simon Key
The meeting of St Peter’s Lodge No. 442 held on Thursday the 12th of October 2017 was a memorable meeting for WBro Stan Goakes, who received his 50-Year Certificate exactly 50-years to the day after he was initiated in 1967.
WBro Stan became Worshipful Master of St Peter’s in 1978. He went on to serve as Treasurer and Chaplain.
WBro Stan was also a founder member of Thomas Deacon Lodge in 1984, the same year he received his first Provincial promotion to the acting rank of Provincial Grand Sword Bearer. He subsequently rose to the rank of Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden in 2009.
In The Holy Royal Arch, WBro Stan was a founder member of Dr Oliver Chapter in 1978, and was Most Excellent Zerubbabel in1984. He held Provincial honours in Chapter too, first as Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies in 1994, and then as Provincial Grand Swordbearer in 2009. Also, WBro Stan is a member of St Oswald Preceptory, a joining member of Nanatahala, and was Chairman of the Peterborough Joint Chapter Committee from 2005 to 2017.
Outside of Masonic Life, WBro Stan has been an active member of Soke Round Table, Rotary, Probus, as well as holding various offices with his local Church.
On presenting the certificate, WBro Richard Brice, Provincial Grand Mentor and official representative of the Provincial Grand Master, commented on what an illustrious career WBro Stan had both in Masonry and beyond, serving the community in a much wider capacity.
- Written by: Michael Genner
When WBro David Nicholls of Danetre Lodge No 8594 visited WBro Bill Mead one night back in 2012, little did he know that it would set him on a Portuguese Odyssey!
Bill surprised David by saying that he and his wife Betty were off to Portugal for a rather different lodge meeting, one of the Lodge of the Oldest Ally near Lisbon.
When David told him that a distance of over a thousand miles seemed rather a long way to go for a Lodge meeting, Bill explained that the Lodge of the Oldest Ally was consecrated at Daventry Masonic Centre in 1993, that it was run in English according to the English Constitution, that it was a Craft lodge belonging to the Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire Province, and that it met twice a year: once on the first Saturday in May at Daventry Masonic Centre, and again on the first Saturday in October in Cascais.
David’s interest was sparked to plan his own visit, so two years later, WBro David and his wife Susan accompanied WBro Jack Hirst and his wife Linda on a trip to Portugal and a visit to the Lodge.
So great was the welcome and hospitality that they received, WBro David vowed to return, which he did this year. A more detailed account of David's travels will be published in the Spring edition of Password.
- Written by: Michael Genner
As a result of a communication received by the Provincial office, WBro Duncan Jolly of St Peter’s Lodge No. 442 reached-out to Bro Arnold Wills of the United Industrious Lodge No. 31, which meets at Canterbury.
Arnold, a Peterborian, Kings School (Schola Regia) pupil and Peterborough Cathedral chorister, had written with regards to his great uncle, George Gaches, and his great cousin, Vernon Gaches, both of whom were past members of St Peter’s Lodge.
Vernon was initiated on the 11th of January 1906, that being the traditional month of Installation at St. Peters.
Due to Vernon's impending return to his country of residence, South Africa, and by means of a special concession, a separate initiation ceremony was held before the Installation commenced.
At the start of World War I, Vernon joined an African regiment and set sail for Europe as part of the huge Commonwealth forces joining Britain and France, who were entrenched in war with Germany.
Vernon paid the ultimate sacrifice, when on the 21st of September 1917, he died at the Battle of Passchendeale, almost exactly 100-years prior to Bro Arnold's enquiry being received by St. Peter's Lodge. His name is recorded in the Cathedral at St Sprite’s Chapel as a past member of Schola Regia.
At the request of Arnold, and as secretary of St Peter's Lodge, WBro Jolly laid a wreath at the Cathedral on the 100th anniversary of Vernon's death.
WBro Duncan Jolly with the wreath commemorating the death of Bro Vernon Gaches
Thanks must also go to WBro John Statham for his time and efforts in helping to find the records of George and Vernon. Copies of those records were sent to Bro Arnold and WBro Tony Elsey so as to facilitate provision of the wreath by the Royal British Legion.
A more detailed article containing copies of the St Peter’s Lodge records pertaining to Bro Vernon will appear in the Spring edition of Password.
- Written by: Michael Genner
On Monday the 23rd of October 2017, WBro Jonathon Hibbins was Installed as Worshipful Master of the Richard Sandbach Lodge of Research No. 9600.
In keeping with the tradition of The Lodge, WBro Hibbins delivered his Installation lecture, which was entitled Was Sir Christopher Wren a Freemason?
WBro Hibbins spoke with a great deal of enthusiasm; it was clearly a subject he had researched in-depth.
Several distinguised brethren were present, including WBro Michael Branch PAGDC, the official representative of the Provincial Grand Master.
The Lodge of Research was founded in tribute to RWBro Richard Sandbach, a dedicated and well respected Masonic historian, writer and orator.
The Lodge aims to further Masonic education by delivering orations, presentations and displays to brethren at their meetings, both in Peterborough and elsewhere.
The next meeting of Richard Sandbach Lodge of Research will be at Corby Masonic Centre on the 15th of January 2018, when WBro Dickon Sandbach and his team will perform a demonstration and explanation of salient parts of the First Degree ceremony at Corby to the Joint Corby Lodges of Instruction.
The next annual Richard Sandbach Lecture, which will be entitled From Darkness into Light – A Personal Journey, will be presented by VWBro Wayne Williams on the 19th of March 2018 at Peterborough Masonic Centre.
There will be a more detailed article about the Richard Sandbach Lodge of Research in the Spring 2018 edition of Password.