Craft News

Royal Albert Hall Tercentenary Celebration

On Tuesday 31st October 2017, Grand Masters representing over 120 Grand Lodges from across the globe joined together with The Most Worshipful Grand Master, His Royal Highness The Duke of Kent, and other esteemed officers and members of the United Grand Lodge of England at the Royal Albert Hall to celebrate the Tercentenary of the Founding of the Premier Grand Lodge.

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Sir Derek Jacobi, Samantha Bond and Sanjeev Bhaskar led an impressive cast in an excellent presentation of ‘Bringing Light To The World’, a theatrical and musical celebration of three hundred years of organised Freemasonry.

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Then followed presentations to the Most Worshipful Grand Master by the Deputy Masters of the Time Immemorial Lodges of the Great Lights in Freemasonry and the Wren Maul, which were duly placed into the reconstructed Soane Ark, followed by a blessing and dedication by the Grand Chaplain.

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The afternoon of celebration was brought to a wonderful close with a finale of over 4000 Freemasons, backed by the Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra, singing a number of hymns. These included ‘Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah’ and ‘Jerusalem’, concluding of course with ‘The National Anthem’.

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The Province was represented by a group led by The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro. Max Bayes, who later enjoyed a private reception and dinner at the Army and Navy Club.

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