Craft News
- Written by: Michael Genner

The early morning sun shone, whilst the prominently liveried Graham Milton Lodge marquee was erected (we remembered the roof this year..!!!) and the weather continued to be good all day.
The organisers informed us that that 17,000 motorcyclists attended this one day festival, which saw a myriad of motorcycling exhibits and exhibitors, from manufacturers, clubs and traders and the, closed to traffic town centre roads, echoed to the sound of high powered racing motorcycles, being used in anger. The groups attending were diverse in the extreme; The Christian Motorcyclists were present, as well as the Satan’s Slaves!
The Graham Milton Lodge 9796 had a small display of motorbikes, as well as literature about the Lodge and Freemasonry, the Northants & Hunts Provincial promotional material was very well received.
The show was a great success for the Graham Milton Lodge. 19 members of the Lodge signed in, Bro Brad Purnell made the three hour trip from Thetford and brought some friends for the ride. We also had many visitors that included Brethren from motorbike lodges in other provinces, Chevalier de Fer Lodge No. 9732 and Mike Hailwood Lodge No. 9839.
We had lots of interest from the public and Masons alike. 5 very worthwhile contacts were made: two lapsed Masons who are motorcyclists and interested in “coming back into the fold” via the Graham Milton Lodge, and three motorcyclists who are members of other Lodges and are interested in becoming joining members, bringing their Freemasonry and motorcycling together.
Bro. Steve Saunders, WBro. Keith Day, Bro. Martin Smith & WBro Mike Farrow
It was a great day out for the Lodge and a triumph for promoting Freemasonry in the Community.
I would like to thank all those that helped to make the day a success.
All profits from the 2015 festival go to the Warwickshire and Northamptonshire Air Ambulance, The Brackley Foodbank and The Bike Experience, the former being the festival primary recipient each year, with several different local charities chosen yearly. The organisers will make known the total amount raised in a few weeks’ time, and we will be duly advised Brethren and update this article.
by Bro. Martin Smith 9796
- Written by: Rob Taylor
Donation to Northampton ITU
Mrs Denise Hunt, together with Bro. Geoff Sharif of the Lodge of St James No. 6838, presented a cheque to the Northampton Hospital ITU for £3042 in the memory of Bro. Sedge Hunt who passed away in November 2013, the donation was given in grateful thanks for all the work and efforts given by the ITU staff.
- Written by: Michael Genner
The Trophy is the longest running golf society competition held at Kingsthorpe, the match was first played in 1973!
This year on August 7th, after coffee and bacon rolls on arrival, players teed off at 2pm in the stableford pairs competition. Thanks to all those who took part, everyone had an excellent day and the course was in super condition.
Mark Capel and Barrie Goulding narrowly took the trophy with a 44 point win in the pairs competition.
Shown in the picture left to right are Mark and Barrie with Alan Woolls the IPM of Kingsley Lodge 2431.
- Written by: Rob Taylor