Craft News
- Written by: Gerry Crawford
One day in early June 2015 a lady left an unusual message on the Provincial website about a Brother in distress.
She had acquired a small stone figure of a man dressed in what she imagined was a Masons' uniform. Standing on a plinth inscribed Pro Musica Lodge No 9547, he was distinctly unhappy since he had been included as part of a job lot in a car boot sale!
The message was forwarded to the Lodge’s Secretary, WBro Eric Samler, who immediately set about repatriating our lost Brother and restoring his injured pride.
He opened negotiations with the lady. After many emails and telephone conversation with her he was finally managed to broker a deal for the lost Brother’s return.
At a discreet location in Peterborough Bro Eric was pleased to receive from her the returning brother who, would you believe, he had a smile on his face.
- Written by: Gerry Crawford
A Euston Nomads Euston Nomads charity golf day is taking place on 23 October 2015 at Wyboston Lakes Golf Cluib (near St Neots, Cambridgeshire).
WBros Mick Pescod (who is organising the event) and John Clarke recently did a check of the course and the photograph shows them on the first tee.
John has his brand new electric trolley and is sporting “L” plates. This is because recently he has had a couple of unfortunate self inflicted car accidents. A few of the local members therefore clubbed together to provide the the “L” plates for health and safety reasons.
The golf charity day is for teams of four players and is open to Freemasons and friends. Click here for flyer.
If interested or for more details please contact Mick Pescod or John Clarke.
- Written by: Gerry Crawford
At May’s Provincial Grand Lodge, WBro Bill Caswell was appointed Provincial Grand Orator. Initiated in 1979 he is a Past Master and DC of the Lodge of Perseverance No 455, Past Deputy Provincial DC and Past Provincial JGW.
He was delighted to accept the appointment and will try to lift the profile of the Oration scheme. His aim will be to ensure the scheme continues to be a real opportunity to help brethren with their ‘Daily Advancement’ by way of thought provoking insights into both the ritual and symbolism of the Craft. He also plans to deliver an annual Provincial Grand Orator’s oration along similar lines to the annual Sandbach Lecture.
He will be assisted in his role by many brethren throughout the Province who act as assistant orators and are willing and able to give both short lectures or musings, as well as longer ceremony replacements involving one or two presenters including a Q&A session.
All he needs is an invitation to your Lodge or meeting and can be contacted through the Provincial Office. He is particularly keen to visit the Lodges of Instruction and work with the Preceptors.
- Written by: Gerry Crawford
On a gloriously sunny day (much appreciated by the ProvGStwds on parking duty) the 2015 Provincial Grand Lodge was held at Sheaf Close on Thursday 21 May. Almost 400 brethren attended with the Hall full to capacity.
At the meeting the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Max Bayes, rewarded WBro Max Griggs, for his significant effort in supporting the Province both at Its former St George's Avenue premises and at the new Sheaf Close centre. The PGM bestowed on him the Provincial Grand Master’s Certificate of Merit.
The PGM went on to pay glowing tributes to two of his Provincial Executive who were standing down, VWBro Vivian Thomas retiring as Deputy Provincial Grand Master and WBro Norman Pope retiring as Assistant Provincial Grand Master.
The Provincial Grand Master was pleased to appoint their replacements, WBro Trevor Boswell as Deputy Provincial Grand Master and WBro David Burton as Assistant Provincial Grand Master.
There were also changes in the Provincial Secretariat with WBro Mike Caseman-Jones being appointed as Provincial Grand Secretary and WBro William Diggins being appointed as Assistant Provincial Grand Secretary.