Craft News

2023 - an important year for Socrates Lodge!

The first of two major events in 2023 to celebrate the 200 year history of Socrates Lodge No 373 was the Banner Rededication Ceremony held on Tuesday 21st March 2023 and attended by 75 Brethren in Huntingdon, including the Provincial Grand Master RW Bro Mark Constant, the Assistant Provincial Grand Masters W.Bro Brother Michael Caseman-Jones and W.Bro Tim Almond, along with 22 other Grand and Active Provincial Grand Officers.

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 Socrates Lodge Worshipful Master Brian Gebbels welcomes The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro. Mark Constant.


After the lodge had been opened and the PGM welcomed, an Initiation ceremony was carried out for 21 year old Zac Hunter by Immediate Past Master W.Bro Tom Cole.

Then after a short interval when the lodge was called off and then called back on, the PGM took the WM chair and invited the ProvSGW W.Bro Mark Charteress and the ProvJGW W.Bro Simon Perry to take over the Wardens chairs. The Rededication Ceremony of Socrates refurbished banner was then conducted by the Provincial team in a wonderful manner.

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The PGM, together with the Provincial team are pictured with Brethren and Officers of Socrates Lodge No.373.

Looking forward, the main Bicentenary celebration meeting for Socrates Lodge will take place at the Ellindon Masonic Centre in Peterborough on Monday 16th October 2023, when all of the newly invested Active Provincial Officers are most welcome to attend for this unique occasion, together with other brethren. To book in for this special meeting, whether dining or not, please contact the lodge Dining Steward for this event W.Bro Tom Cole on his email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A draft copy of the table booklet being produced by W.Bro Tom Cole for this special Bicentenary meeting, is available below in which you may find some interesting facts about the 200 year lodge history:

Link to Socrates History booklet

We look forward to 16th October 2023 with great excitement – don’t miss out brethren – book early when full details become available!