The Provincial Grand Master, RWBro. Mark Constant was delighted to launch his `Grand Prix Raffle` at the Three Counties Lodge No.9278 meeting on Monday 31st October 2022, with all with proceeds in aid of the 2024 MCF Festival appeal.
RWBro Mark went on to explain that this is just one of a number of exciting events being planned by our 2024 MCF Festival Committee, including a Gala Ball, Family Fun and Golf Days, so watch out for further announcements !
It was a most interesting and informative meeting with The Provincial Grand Master also presenting his `mid-term address`, emphasising his aim to continue to develop a thriving and vibrant membership, comprising of thriving and vibrant Lodges, in which we enjoy ourselves, have fun and grow as individuals.
In his address, which can be read in full by clicking pdf here (87 KB) (members only), The Provincial Grand Master also confirmed that WBro Martin Wilson, PAGDC, District Grand Master of the East Midlands District of the Royal and Select Masters would be next years Worshipful Master.
This was also the Installation meeting for the Three Counties Lodge, which saw VW Bro Trevor Boswell, PGSwdB, PDepProvGM installed as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year in exemplary style by Installing Master, WBro Jim Boughton, PAGSwdB, MEGS.
Having taken the Chair, VWBro Trevor then appointed and invested his Officers with great warmth and in particular, thanked WBro Neville Manning, PAGDC who was retiring having served this Lodge as Director of Ceremonies for some 20 years.