Craft News

60-Years in Craft Freemasonry

On the 17th of October 2022, WBro Tim Almond, Assistant Provincial Grand Master, visited Lodge of Merit No. 466 in Stamford. He was there to present a 60-year certificate to WBro Philip Major Collins JP, a member of that Craft lodge since 1999. Despite being the Senior Group Officer for Stamford, and well aware of all that happens in the seven lodges under his charge, secrecy was maintained, and this presentation came as a complete surprise.

WBro Neil Bennett, WBro Philip Major Collins PJGD, WBro Tim Almond APGM

Phil, as he is commonly known, was initiated into the Felicity Lodge No. 6001 on 9th October 1962, whilst studying as a postgraduate in Manchester. He went on to become the Personnel Director at British Domestic Appliances before retiring in 2000. In January 1964 he joined Lord Leycester Lodge No. 7889, meeting in Warwickshire. Phil went through the chair of our Three Counties Lodge No. 9278 in 1996. His long service to the Craft was recognised when he was promoted to Grand Rank, first as Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies and then in 2021 to Past Junior Grand Deacon.

Phil remains an active and dedicated Freemason who has held, and still holds, Grand Rank in eleven progressive degrees including Right Eminent Provincial Prior for Knights Templar in this Province, Deputy Grand Master of the Knights Beneficent of the Holy Temple, and is currently Deputy Grand Master Mason in the Operatives degree for the East Midlands region.

Phil is married to Adrienne and they have two children, Richard and Meredith. He is a highly respected and knowledgeable Freemason, always there to offer sage advice in a no-nonsense way. We congratulate him on achieving this significant milestone and wish him many more happy years in the orders to which he has given such long and distinguished service.