Craft News

Old Northamptonian Lodge Raises £750 for Devonshire Court

WBro Steve Storey and Bro Gerry McCrory of Old Northamptonian (ON) Lodge No. 5694 decided to hold a raffle to raise much-needed funds for The Friends of Devonshire Court.

Thanks to his natural charm and some gentle persuasion, Bro Gerry managed to procure some fantastic prizes, and WBro Steve excelled at promoting the sales of tickets to lodge members in his own inimitable style.

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The Old Northamptonian brethren responded so enthusiastically that ticket sales totalled £750 - a fantastic achievement!

The raffle took place after the Toast to Absent Brethren during the Lodge's monthly Zoom meeting. The prizes, which were won by 12-different brethren, have since been delivered ready for the winners to enjoy during their festive celebrations.

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All the proceeds are going directly to the Devonshire Court Christmas Appeal, which has already raised £4,000 to ensure that residents have a great time over the festive period. There is no doubt that the additional funds raised by ON Lodge will be gratefully received and faithfully applied.

The monthly Zoom meetings do a great deal to keep the ON brethren in touch, and holding the raffle helped to promote a greater sense of community and belonging. The Lodge's two candidates for initiation, who are waiting patiently to become members of our wonderful fraternity, joined in the festive-fun and learned more about Freemasonry’s charitable work as a result.

Steve and Gerry are very grateful to the ON brethren for displaying their usual great generosity. On behalf of the Lodge, they would like to wish everybody a very Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.