Craft News

Lactodorum Widows Christmas Gift Delivery

This year, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the Master of Lactodorum Lodge No. 8526, WBro Alan Sparham, decided to make delivery of Christmas cards and gifts to the lodge widows a more personal affair.

WBro Alan and his wife, Sandra, took time to visit each widow and deliver their gift and card by hand. They were accompanied by the Lodge's Almoner, Bro Allen Smith, and Assistant Almoner, WBro Charlie Anstead.

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A safely distanced doorstep chat with all 12-ladies, including a discussion about a proposed widows' tea-party in the spring or summer of 2021, went down well.

All the widows said how nice it was to see WBro Alan and his wife, and some commented that they were the first visitors to their door since earlier in the year.

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All in all, WBro Alan and his party spent a most enjoyable and worthwhile 4-hours visiting the widows. They were most grateful to Bro Ben Sheard for providing a refreshing coffee-stop half-way around the route.