On Thursday the 8th of November 2018, the Masters of the six Corby lodges were very proud to present a cheque for £3,400 to Lee and Suzanne from the Autumn Centre.
The money consisted of £1,800 raised by the lodges, plus a further donation of £1,600 from the Provincial Grand Charity.
The Autumn Centre (https://www.theautumncentre.co.uk/) is a charity day care centre based in Corby run especially for the over 50s.
The Centre is open 5-days a week from 9.00am to 1.45pm. It offers activities such as arts and crafts, bingo, ladies pampering, chair Zumba, tai chi, a gentlemen's club, foot health, days out, a whist group, and neck & hand massage.
The presentation took place prior to the meeting of Corbie Lodge No. 9155 and was ably assisted by the Corby Group Officers.