Craft News

We Shall Not Forget - Remembrance Sunday

During the Remembrance Day ceremonies held today, Sunday the 11th of November 2018, Freemasons from across the Province paid tribute to those who lost their lives in defence of their country.

The tributes were led by the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, WBro David Burton, at Peterborough, and the Provincial Grand Secretary, WBro Mike Caseman-Jones TD, at Northampton.

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WBro David Burton APGM laid a wreath at Peterborough

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The Provincial Grand Secretary, WBro Mike Caseman-Jones TD PAGDC, laid a wreath at Northampton 

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WBro Mark Burgess, PPJGD and IPM of Waynflete Lodge, laid a wreath at Brackley

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WBro James Spence PAGDC and WBro Ronnie Stone PPSGW laid wreathes at Corby

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WBro Tony Dicks PPGSwdB (WM of Coritani Lodge), WBro David Butt PProvJGW (Group Officer), WBro Mick Stevens (WM of Buckby Castle Lodge), and WBro Graham Ballinger PPGSwdB (Secretary of Daventry Masonic Centre) laid wreathes at Daventry

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WBro Glenn Page, PPSGW and WM of Cytringan Lodge, laid a wreath at Kettering

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The Master of Ailwyn Lodge, WBro Martin Dean (right), laid a wreath at Ramsey. He's pictured here with Bro Steve Corney, also from Ailwyn Lodge, who was attending in his capacity as Town Mayor.

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WBro Philip Collins PAGDC and WBro Lyndon Howells, WM of Lodge of Merit, laid wreathes at Stamford

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The Master of Whytewell Lodge, WBro Stephen Wood, laid a wreath at Wellingborough

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