On Wednesday the 14th of November 2018, the Worshipful Master of Lodge of St Paul No. 6516, WBro Jason Harris, visited Cransley Hospice with WBro Alex Robertson and presented staff with a donation of £400.
The majority of the money (£370) was raised as a result of a raffle held following WBro Jason's installation on Tuesday the 13th of November 2018. The raffle was organised by the Lodge's newly appointed charity steward, Bro Bryan Walters.
The donation was made in memory of WBro Alex's wife, Bernice, who sadly passed away at the hospice on the 23rd of July 2018, just six weeks after being diagnosed with terminal cancer.
Cransley Hospice is the only overnight care centre within the Kettering and Corby districts. It provides excellent respite and palliative care for sick and terminally ill patients.
The hospice in only 50% funded by the NHS, so charitable donations are necessary to keep the centre running with constant use of 9 of 12 possible beds.
We congratulate Lodge of St Paul on making such a worthy donation. Anyone wishing to make their own donation can do so via the hospice's website: