Royal Arch News

Buckby Chapter Exalts First Companion Of 2016

16 01 08 buckby castleBy way of getting 2016 off to a very fine start, Buckby Castle Chapter Exalted its newest member, Comp Peter Austin, on Wednesday 6th January in a most exemplary manner. MEZ E Comp Chris Beck led from the front in producing a superb ceremony that Companion Austin will, for certain, look back on with a great deal of affection for years to come.

Particularly praiseworthy was the work by the two Sojourners, Comp Mick Stevens and Comp Chris Postins who together produced remarkable performances which were warmly appreciated by all those present, including the Second Provincial Grand Principal, E Comp George Clayton and Deputy Director of Ceremonies E Comp Jeff Chambers.

Pictured above are (l to r): E Comp Graham Ballinger, E Comp Chris Beck, Comp Peter Austin and E Comp Trevor Moore.

16 01 08 buckby castle 2Equally remarkable, and totally unexpected was the musical accompaniment for the ceremony. E Comp Mike Shepherd (pictured right) having developed a system controlled by his iPad acted as Organist for the evening and the music throughout was quite superb. The odes etc, were all performed as normal, the cueing was extremely accurate, and music of the highest standard was provided throughout the ceremony. 

Congratulations and well done E Comp Mike, and Thank You for the Music.