Royal Arch News

Kingsley Chapter Hosts Master Masons' Evening

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On Friday 18 December, a new format, ‘White Table’ evening was very well supported by Kingsley Chapter members and visitors alike, including eleven Master Masons, all eager to find out more about the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch, more affectionately known to most of us as Chapter.

Eleven visiting Master Masons were admitted following the closing of the Chapter, the regular business being ended. The presentation comprised of two excellent orations, the first presented by Past Deputy Grand Superintendent E Comp David Jackson who gave the most enlightening overview of the origins of the order and its intrinsic link to the Craft Degree, together with an explanation of the furniture and ornaments of a Royal Arch Temple. This was immediately followed by an address by the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Wayne Williams, which continued in this vein, and much to the interest of all then gave a personal account of his experiences of his journey through the offices of the order with his unique brand of illumination and humour.

All in all, this was a truly wonderful evening supported by several Grand and Provincial Grand officers which also included the Deputy Grand Superintendent, E Comp Mike Coleman and the Second Grand Principal E Comp George Clayton As a result of this meeting, Bro John Darby will be Exalted into Kingsley Chapter on 19th February 2016 which will hopefully be followed by several other brethren who also showed interest on the evening. Well done and congratulations to the Companions of Kingsley Chapter on hosting this most innovative and productive evening.

Following an excellent seasonal Festive Board, proceedings concluded with the singing of Carols and the Twelve Days of Christmas – acapella…unbelievable!!!