Royal Arch News

Chapter of Fidelity Hosts Memorable Installation

Chapter of Fidelity in Towcester hosted a fine Installation meeting on 19th January 2016 with E Comp George Clayton the 2nd Provincial Grand Principal as the official visitor and his escorting DC, Provincial Deputy Director of Ceremonies, E Comp Jeff Chambers. 

E Comp. Russ Dickinson was installed as Z, E Comp Simon Laws as H and E Comp Terry Oldfield as J. It was an excellent meeting with some fine ritual all round. The readings and the Robes and Sceptres were presented by Acting Provincial Officers, E  Comps Tony Albrecht, Geoff Willis and David Brown in the most exemplary manner.  Particularly noteworthy was the Presentation of the PZ Jewel by E Comp Arnold Franklow who recently celebrated his 91st birthday.  This was very special indeed, delivered with such incredible warmth and in the true sense of the word, sincerity. Greatly appreciated and enjoyed by all present. 

Our congratulations to the three newly Installed Principals and Officers of the Chapter and we offer them our sincere best wishes for a very happy and enjoyable year ahead.

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On the left Chapter of Fidelity's newly Installed Principals (l to r): E Comp Simon Laws, E Comp Russ Dickinson and E Comp Terry Oldfield and on the right E Comp Arnold Franklow