Royal Arch News

Bro James Hendry completes his journey in Pure Antient Masonry in Cytringan Chapter - 14th May 2019

The Companions of Cytringan Chapter and their visitors, together with the Official Visitor, 2nd Provincial Grand Principal,E Comp Neil Handley and his escort, E Comp Mick Smith, PrAGDC, witnessed a first class ceremony when Bro James Hendry was Exalted into the Royal Arch by the 3 Principals, E Comp John Cummins - Z, E Comp Stuart Nicholls - H and E Comp Brian Thompson - J (acting). the 3 Principals were very ably assisted by the other members of their team. The Chapter was also delighted to have the company of E Comp Mike Coleman, the Deputy Grand Superintendent and E Comp John Payne, 3rd Provincial Grand Principal.


Front row (l - r): E Comp John Payne - 3rdPrGPrin, Comp Geoff Hill - 1st AsstSoj, Comp James Hendry, Comp Bill Kelly - PrinSoj.

Back row (l - r):E Comp Mick Smith - PrAGDC, E Comp Neil Handley - 2nd PrGPrin, E Comp Stuart Nichols - H, E Comp John Cummins - Z, E Comp Brian Thomson - J (acting), E Comp Mike Coleman - DepGS