Royal Arch News

Provincial Grand Chapter Annual Convocation


Some 250 Companions attended this year’s Convocation of Provincial Grand Chapter at Sheaf Close, Northampton on Thursday 27th June 2019. Sixteen neighbouring Provinces were represented including 12 MEGS.

Jim Boughton, MEGS, opened proceedings in due form, welcoming the visitors and also Northants & Hunts Companions.

A significant part of the agenda included changes in the Exec team. Neil Handley was installed as the new DepGSupt replacing Mike Coleman, standing-down after 4 years in office. John Payne replaced Neil as 2ndProvGPrin and David Brown replaced John as 3rdProvGPrin.   Mike Binsted was appointed Scribe Ezra.

Mike Coleman was presented with a token the Province’s esteem by Jim Boughton and Wayne Williams, PGSupt, acknowledging 12 years’ service in Provincial Office.

In addition, MEGS appointed or reappointed 25 Companions to Active Office. There were 11 first appointments and 27 promotions in Past Rank.

In his address, MEGS thanked all Companions for their tireless work for the Province and announced a new programme of PSA testing, acknowledging the strong support from the PGM and the Craft.

The jovial nature of the day was perhaps summed-up best by David Butt, ProvGSN when he proposed the toast to the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent. In reminding the 230 present at dinner that MEGS had a long and successful career as a teacher, David couldn’t help but wonder whether his own toast would be subject to marking by MEGS after!

L to R Neil Handley, DepGSupt, John Payne, 2ndProvGPrin, Mike Coleman, PDepGSupt, Jim Boughton, MEGS, and David Brown, 3rdProvGPrin