Royal Arch News

Montagu Chapter welcomes Bro Peter Ridlington into the Royal Arch

On 13th May Bro Peter Ridlington, a member of Chetene Lodge No. 9516 was Exalted into Royal Arch Masonry by the three Principals, E Comp Alan Muhley - MEZ, E Comp Peter Baker - H and E Comp Lyn Howells - J. They were ably assisted my other members of their team.

 The 2nd Provincial Grand Principal, E Comp Neil Handley was present as the Official Visitor and was escorted by E Comp Alex Henderson, PrDGDC.


Front row (l to r): E Comp Neil Handley - 2ndPrGPrin, E Comp Peter Baker - H, Comp Peter Ridlington, E Comp Alan Muhley - Z, E Comp Lyn Howells - J.

Back Row (l to r): E Comp Jason Brice  - PrGStwd, E Comp Alex Henderson, PrDGDC.