Craft News

Euston Nomads Charity Golf Day

A Euston Nomads Euston Nomads charity golf day is taking place on 23 October 2015 at Wyboston Lakes Golf Cluib (near St Neots, Cambridgeshire).

WBros WBro Mick Pescod & John Clarke

WBros Mick Pescod (who is organising the event) and John Clarke recently did a check of the course and the photograph shows them on the first tee.

John has his brand new electric trolley and is sporting “L” plates.  This is because recently he has had a couple of unfortunate self inflicted car accidents.  A few of the local members therefore clubbed together to provide the the “L” plates for health and safety reasons.

The golf charity day is for teams of four players and is open to Freemasons and friends.  Click here for flyer.

If interested or for more details please contact Mick Pescod or John Clarke.