Craft News

Newly Appointed Provincial Grand Orator - WBro Bill Caswell

At May’s Provincial Grand Lodge, WBro Bill Caswell was appointed Provincial Grand Orator.  Initiated in 1979 he is a Past Master and DC of the Lodge of Perseverance No 455, Past Deputy Provincial DC and Past Provincial JGW.

WBro Bill Caswell

He was delighted to accept the appointment and will try to lift the profile of the Oration scheme.  His aim will be to ensure the scheme continues to be a real opportunity to help brethren with their ‘Daily Advancement’ by way of thought provoking insights into both the ritual and symbolism of the Craft.  He also plans to deliver an annual Provincial Grand Orator’s oration along similar lines to the annual Sandbach Lecture.

He will be assisted in his role by many brethren throughout the Province who act as assistant orators and are willing and able to give both short lectures or musings, as well as longer ceremony replacements involving one or two presenters including a Q&A session.

All he needs is an invitation to your Lodge or meeting and can be contacted through the Provincial Office.  He is particularly keen to visit the Lodges of Instruction and work with the Preceptors.