Craft News

Risdene Lodge Presentation

In the Summer of 2023, Risdene Lodge, Rushden, and Graham Milton Motorcycle Lodge joined together to run a very successful BBQ at the home of WBro Mike Farrow and his Wife Maria.

WBro Mike requested that part of the funds raised should go to a local young persons organisation. Mrs Joy Hall, Wife of RWBro Barrie Hall, suggested the Guiding Association. To this end, WBro Steve Squires, WM of Risdene Lodge, along with RWBro Barrie Hall and Mrs Joy Hall, visited the Raunds Guides meeting one Monday evening. Here they met Mrs Davina Freeman, Division Commissioner and Mrs Sharon Priest, Deputy County Commissioner and presented a cheque for £530.00.

WBro Steve presenting the cheque to Davina Freeman, watched by Sharon Priest, RWBro Barrie and Mrs Joy Hall and the Raunds Guide Company.

Davina said that the money would be used for a special event for all levels of Guides in the Rushden, Raunds and Wellingborough area in the Spring.

(Photo permission has been granted for all Guides)