Craft News


On 9th November 2023, Rockingham Forest Lodge No. 9491 hosted an amazing ’Triple First’ when they initiated three new members at the same meeting.

At Rockingham Forest (from left) WBro Alex Willis (ADC), WBro Owen Davidson (SW), RW Bro Mark Constant (PGM), WBro John McGrath (WM), WBro Bob Smith (Official Visitor), WBro Duncan Childs (JW), WBro Mark Titterton (DC), together with our three new members.

The whole evening took place in a wonderful atmosphere with over 90 attending, making it a very special event for all three initiates, who clearly enjoyed the night. The ceremony was superb, with excellent choreography and ritual throughout, led by Worshipful Master John McGrath and Director of Ceremonies Mark Titterton - it was a great team effort!

The Festive Board in full swing.

Now, on 12th December 2023, the Lodge of St Paul No.6516, will perform their own ‘Triple’ ceremony also at York Road, Kettering.


If you missed Rockingham Forest, make sure you do not miss the next `Triple` at Lodge of St Paul!