The April meeting of Trinity Lodge 9165 was held at Kettering on Wednesday the 27th of April 2022 and was themed as An Evening in the First Degree. The purpose was to examine the First Degree as a whole including opening, closing and the ceremony of Initiation. The meeting was attended by 42-Brethren including a number of members of the Northants & Hunts New and Young Masons Club, aka The Light Blues.
The Worshipful Master, WBro Mike Abbott, introduced the evening by giving a talk about the opening of the Lodge and the importance of the First Degree to both the individual Mason and the Lodge. He then talked about the History and Language of Freemasonry before answering some questions that were part of a quiz sent out before the meeting.
WBro Tony Albrecht, assisted by Entered Apprentice Bro James Merifield, gave a recital of 'The Mode of Preparation'. After further questions were answered, WBro Chris Winfield, the Provincial Grand Organist and guest of the Lodge, talked about Music and Freemasonry including some musical illustrations. WBro Tony Landon, who was unavoidably absent, had written an explanation of the Charge beginning with the feelings he had during his Initiation. The meeting then enjoyed a rendition of the First Degree Tracing Board by WBro Kevin Williams before the Worshipful Master concluded the evening by giving some information on the closing.
A raffle was held at the festive board raising £235 for Teddies for Loving Care. The evening was very well received by all those who attended as judged by feedback on the evening and later on Facebook.